How to Avoid Overwhelm in PDR – PM75

avoid overwhelm in PDR -episode 75

I have this strange fear of cave diving. Those scuba tank and flipper wearing adventurers have my admiration. Yet, just thinking about them doing it can send me into a sitting panic.
Irrational? Yes, I know its true. But the feeling is overwhelming.
Therein lies the topic of today’s podcast. Avoiding overwhelm is an inside job, meaning our conscious thought.
Can you train your way out of overwhelm? We think so and I’ll bet the scuba cave diving school could teach me a thing or two. Maybe even calm me down.
Listen for some helpful tidbits to train your way out of overwhelm in these key areas:

  • Hail
  • Dings
  • When you’re busy
  • Even when you’re slow


  • pomodoro method
  • how do you switch modes when a customer walks in
  • how to conquer an overwhelming task

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