leaving money on table with low hail estimates ep 74
Hail Damage, Podcast

Are You Leaving Hail Money on the Table? PM74

What really happens when you bid a hail job for a body shop and say, “I’ll do it for X”? Is it possible to sell your future on just one job? A hail season’s worth?
I once felt that, hey, I’m just one guy. How I price doesn’t matter, right? Except it does.
You and I and every PDR tech good enough to work for body shops are now part of a big machine. Like it or not we drive the paintless division of the collision industry.
Think about it. For years it was body, frame, paint and mechanical. Now throw in paintless.
Listen and see how and why you price for hail and dents at collision shops makes a big impact.

  • You say charge like a pro, aren’t you just being greedy?
  • Why dropping your price is the greediest tactic of all
  • Some of the most important real estate in your business (all have it many never use it)
  • Get a good photo of flayed out car for estimating without stealing it

Links mentioned in this episode:
Overhead view of car for esimates
Gotprint.com for business cards
Appsumo for deals on stock photos

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Act like the paintless expert you are episode 71
Hail Damage, Podcast

Be and Act Like the PDR Expert You Are – PM71

Hail Season puts a paintless tech and business owner in a unique position.
You are viewed as the authority on price, fixability, repair options, etc.
But some PDR business owners are shy and reserved about stepping into the expert role. We cover 2 key areas where your expertise is needed:

  1. Insurance supplements
  2. Getting paid

You’ll also hear:

  • how we finally solved a problem with our bank and accepting two party checks.
  • How the changes in banking are affecting service
  • How to behave when filing and negotiating a supplement

Links Mentioned in this Episode:

Direction to Pay sheets for hail PDR

Hail Money Coming – be Ready

How Not to Be Intimidated in PDR

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ep 22 3 habits of fastest Paintless Dent Repair Techs
Hail Damage, Podcast

3 Habits of the Fastest Dent Techs and How to Make Them Yours

[thrive_drop_caps color=’blue’ style=’1′]W[/thrive_drop_caps]atching the fastest hail tech some years ago, we were in awe of his speed.
We uncovered 3 methods he used to work fast. You’ll learn the 3 speed secrets, better yet, you’ll know how to turn them into habit.
In episode 7 you learned the brain’s need for automatic processes. Turns out this can work both for you and against you.
Find out how mental contrasting and if-then statements help you get the habits you want and even get rid of the others.
Listen for ways to get fast and improve any area of your life you want.

Customer forges a hail claim check. How we handled the misadventure.
Tools we love: Why I stopped using the most sought after adjustable tools in the business.

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episode 20 - Hail money without the hassle
Hail Damage, Podcast

4 Ways to Get Hail Money without the Hassle – Episode 20

ep20-paintless-mentor-podcast[thrive_drop_caps color=’blue’ style=’1′]C[/thrive_drop_caps]an you identify the four kinds of hail jobs and the customers who bring them in?
Roadblocks to the money will come up, here’s how to get around them.
What you must be willing to say and do.
How you can show you are legitimate business – no matter how long you’ve been in.
What to do when the bank gives you trouble.
In the United States, insurance payoffs are tracked by 1099 forms. Why these can be wrong and what to with it.
Just because your shop’s name is on the check does not always protect you. How customer’s are ripping you off.
Is the hotbox a viable dent repair machine? We look back to the past to predict the near future.

Ep. 14 Are You Choosing the Right Customer?
Be Legit:
Episode 5
Episode 6

Wylie, Texas homeowner bank troubles (moved)
Direction to pay sheet
Hotbox PDR
Article about “upskilling” with the hotbox

Click here to Listen, Subscribe, and Review Paintless Mentor Podcast on iTunes!Click here to Listen, Subscribe, and Review Paintless Mentor Podcast on Stitcher!

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Hail Estimating PDR Paintless mentor podcast
Hail Damage, Podcast

Hail Estimating Tips

Hail Estimating PDR Paintless mentor podcast
[thrive_drop_caps color=’blue’ style=’1′]W[/thrive_drop_caps]ant to know the fastest way to get a true dent count? How to save time and make more money on hail estimates. Where to turn for proper procedures.
When to turn to the industry for help and how to keep a balanced view of it.
Do you love dents so much that you’d do them for free? Why you must place value on everything you do.
Sip the Kool Aid with caution.

Tools we like:
Posca Markers for hail estimates

Procedure pages for hail repair: pdrpages.com
Tom Price presentation on hail damage estimating

Clean Water for the World film
Slingshot Water Invention by Dean Camen

Click here to Listen, Subscribe, and Review Paintless Mentor Podcast on iTunes!Click here to Listen, Subscribe, and Review Paintless Mentor Podcast on Stitcher!

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Get faster at fixing hail with PDR episode 11
Hail Damage, Podcast

Fix hail dents faster

Are you ready for hail season? How can you be fast as possible? Pick up some speed tips from the pro’s.
How to (appear to) be as smart as a Doctor or Lawyer.
Could this device bring an end to all hail damage? Why the smartest people never look at history.
Thinking of a product or tool? One kind of product that never sells.

Gorilla Bar
Munkey Bar (Dent Technology out of business)
Gutter Hook
Don Gray Tools adjustable handle tools

Organizing tools we use:
Getting Things Done” by David Allen
GTD for Evernote

Article about Hail Protector

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hail money pdr episode 10
Hail Damage, Podcast

Hail Money Coming – How to Be Ready

Setting goals to improve your life? Most goals are backwards, leading to frustration and setbacks.
Why do most lottery winners go broke?
Why do PDR techs go broke even after a high earning year?

When you start fixing dents, if you set the right goals the money will follow. How you keep the money is a different story.

Tool recommendation:
The 2, 3 and 4 inch hand tools are great for hoods and trunks. (00:20:22)

Mistakes dent guys make: fear of going backwards (00:23:17)

Are your friends making you fat?
Social network of weight
“Connected” Book by Christakis and Fowler
Dealership sued for hail damage to cars sold

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